

Tracked Families


Active Botnets


Botnet Tasks



Loader Intelligence Agency (LIA) is your platform for emulating botnet command and control traffic, providing vital insights into the operations of malware loaders.

LIA provides near real-time intelligence on malware loader activities, keeping you up-to-date with the latest threats they distribute. Our comprehensive tracking system monitors various malware families and the payloads they distribute, offering critical insights to enrich your investigations.

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But it is just a loader, not ransomware, why bother?

At first glance, malware loaders might seem like just a small component of the cybersecurity threat landscape, but their significance cannot be underestimated. Loaders could be the critical entry point for threat actors, setting the stage for more severe and damaging attacks.

Loaders play a pivotal role by providing the initial access needed to deploy additional tooling such as sophisticated information stealers. These stealers are designed to siphon off sensitive data and credentials from compromised systems. Moreover, many information stealers come equipped with their own loader capabilities, allowing for the installation of additional malware. This means that a single loader can initiate a dangerous chain reaction of malware deployment.

For enterprises, the risks associated with loaders are substantial. When an information stealer extracts credentials, it opens the door for threat actors to conduct ransomware attacks and other forms of cyber extortion, potentially paralyzing critical systems and demanding hefty ransom payments. By focusing on tracking and mitigating the threat of loaders, organizations can proactively prevent these chain reactions from spiraling into full-blown security breaches.

All this because of a loader...